Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Gnawing Ideas

from Wikisource.org

Ideas gnaw like rats on a flour sack. They take their time, but eventually they break through. These ideas become a driving force akin to passion, and they disturb sleep and rest until they are implemented.

I’ve recently been bogged down with a ton of work and then huge life changes that kept me so busy that I literally had no time to write. Now that I’m getting settled into my new routine, my waking and dreaming hours have been screaming at me to get back to my writing.

Just this morning, another idea popped into my head to add to my current paranormal romance novel. Of course, ideas never stop, especially not for me. I seem to have an uncanny talent for having bottomless pits of ideas. What I do when I’m extremely busy is to jot down these ideas so I can use them later. Since this morning’s idea crept into my half-asleep mind, it has prodded me to wake up and to get back to rewriting and editing my novel. So now I’m in search of those previous notes of ideas as well as my new ideas that I want to add to my novel.

from Kaboompics.com via pexel.com

I do have a bad habit to multi-task by having multiple works in progress at the same time. I even have a comedy screenplay in mind, which I’ve been mulling over for some time. Who could have guessed I can write humor? I even shocked myself. One day, the dialogue just played out in my head like a movie-- something between Woody Allen and Mel Brooks. However, for now, I’ll have to put the comedy on hold.

I’ve decided that I should focus my concentration on my nearly completed paranormal manuscript and push it over the finish line. Ideas are meant to be shared and not hidden to rot away. Every great change, every great invention, every amazing movie and every amazing book started with an idea. Ideas sow seeds that can grow into plants to nourish the readers’ minds. Indeed, ideas are powerful motivators and life changers.

from needpix.com

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Poetry Expresses Our Souls

photo by Geralt 

I know it has been awhile since I last posted though I did say I would post more often. Unfortunately, work and life get in the way of blogging at times, especially for teachers during exam time. However, with Spring Break here and Summer Vacation just around the bend, hopefully my blogging will become more consistent. I’ll do my best.

Today, in honor of poetry month, I want to discuss what poetry means to me as well as share a new poem with you. I’ve been writing poetry since high school, and I actually published one in an anthology at a tender age. I was prompted to write more poetry in those years to express the loss of my close friend who passed away so young. So poetry became the vehicle for my emotions with that one tragic event and has accompanied me throughout my life.  After writing more poetry, I moved on to short stories, novels and screenplays. However, poetry is special to me because, unlike other writing, it allows me to express the depth of my soul. All of my thoughts, ideas, emotions, and even bits of my soul go into my poems. Some are positive while others reflect the dark moods that cloud my days. Poetry is like my diary, my counselor, and balm for my soul. Sometimes what I cannot put into words can easily be expressed in poetry. I enjoy painting with words, creating art, using rhyme and other literary devices to bring about the best poem that I can while expressing myself and hopefully sharing some insight with the world. Sometimes I might reflect my life, or sometimes I just enjoy creating stories about other personas. Poetry has literally saved my life many times (or my sanity).

I have many favorite poets like Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, Robert Frost, Sylvia Plath and others. Their poems speak to my heart. Poetry is like music that soothes my soul.  

The following poem was written after the death of my aunt; she was like a mother figure for me, so as you can imagine I was depressed and in a funk. Then some words whirled in my mind, as they always do, and I started writing a line. Then the words came out on paper, and I spent the next couple of days editing and rewriting my poem. But at least some of my sadness and stress was released and a work of art was created. Here is “Many Faces”; I hope it will touch your hearts.  Enjoy!

Many Faces

The many faces of Eve
From memory I retrieve.
All the habits and skills
To make life such a thrill.
What a façade…such a lie!
Yet, in this world we cannot cry.
The outside is happy and complete,
While the inside is broken and deplete.
Where’s the help and rescue?
On my own while sinking in blues.
Life’s joke…sink or swim…
Almost on the razor-sharp rim.
Tears are stuck and freezing,
Life laughs back and is teasing.
Yet, the façade is perfect and precise.
Hiding the chaos that at my soul slices.
The smile is statue-like molded,
While at my mistakes I’m scolded.
Perfect happiness is expected
But deep depression is internally reflected.
Who will I pretend to be today
Just to bring others sunshiny rays?
Successful, strong and perfectly living,
Yet drowning in self-doubting chaos while giving
My soul to the world so cruel,
And always retaining the last jewel.
World! You can’t have my best part!
This is the me you can’t have inside my heart.
The fortress is built and you get what you see.
Just take your due and please leave me!
How many faces of Eve are there?
As many as I need to protect my lair.

                                                --Lena Winfrey Hayat

photo from Creative Commons