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from Wikisource.org |
Ideas gnaw like rats on a
flour sack. They take their time, but eventually they break through. These
ideas become a driving force akin to passion, and they disturb sleep and rest
until they are implemented.
I’ve recently been bogged
down with a ton of work and then huge life changes that kept me so busy that I
literally had no time to write. Now that I’m getting settled into my new
routine, my waking and dreaming hours have been screaming at me to get back to
my writing.
Just this morning,
another idea popped into my head to add to my current paranormal romance novel.
Of course, ideas never stop, especially not for me. I seem to have an uncanny
talent for having bottomless pits of ideas. What I do when I’m extremely busy
is to jot down these ideas so I can use them later. Since this morning’s idea
crept into my half-asleep mind, it has prodded me to wake up and to get back
to rewriting and editing my novel. So now I’m in search of those previous notes
of ideas as well as my new ideas that I want to add to my novel.
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from Kaboompics.com via pexel.com |
I do have a bad habit to
multi-task by having multiple works in progress at the same time. I even have a
comedy screenplay in mind, which I’ve been mulling over for some time. Who
could have guessed I can write humor? I even shocked myself. One day, the
dialogue just played out in my head like a movie-- something between Woody
Allen and Mel Brooks. However, for now, I’ll have to put the comedy on hold.
I’ve decided that I
should focus my concentration on my nearly completed paranormal manuscript and
push it over the finish line. Ideas are meant to be shared and not hidden to
rot away. Every great change, every great invention, every amazing movie and
every amazing book started with an idea. Ideas sow seeds that can grow into
plants to nourish the readers’ minds. Indeed, ideas are powerful motivators and
life changers.
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from needpix.com |